Friday, December 17, 2010

Final Project: Create Anything!

For this particular project, I started off with So Many Ideas. I watercolored a bird with Ed Westwick's head, I sketched obsessive amounts of collage ideas, I prepared a special canvas and got a heat gun for melting down 25 lbs of wax, but only one idea stuck. I didn't feel like the bird was something I wanted to present to my class-- not my best work, but it was a good experience in watercoloring. Collaging failed after I realized the night before critique (also the night I was planning to collage) that inkjet ink Does Not get transferred by wintergreen oil-- only toner cartridges found in big copier machines do the job. Oops. Then the cheapest and I mean cheapest price I could find 25 lbs of wax was for a bit over $80.00. No bueno. I've had some unexpected expenses that I've had to make recently and a tragic pipe bursting accident at home (1,000s of dollars needing to be paid)-- so I have no money. All in all, I decided to create a portrait about 3 weeks ago and had been working faithfully on it. I enjoyed it so much because I love painting and I love people as subject matter for any art the most. I have finishing touches to make and I experienced some hardships and catastrophes along the way, but I believe it has come out well. It was a Great project and one of my favorites of the semester. :)