Friday, September 24, 2010

5 Abstract Pieces

For this Surface Research practice assignment, I was asked to create at least 5 abstract pieces, which used the color palettes of the 5 inspirational objects that I chose for my previous class. My pieces not only employ the colors of the objects, but their contents are inspired by the objects' physical qualities. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Form through Shadow: Full Body Self-Portrait

This is my final product of the Finding Form through Shadow project. On a 30x44" piece of Stonehenge paper, I made a life-sized self portrait of myself through shadow. In my self-portrait, I am happily surprised by birds all around me. To achieve this affect through observation, I molded birds out of clay and hung them from the ceiling of my apartment with twine. I had a single lamp shine on my body and the birds from my left side. The lamp was positioned on a little stool, tilted upwards. Meanwhile, I put a mirror and a makeshift canvas (which I put the Stonehenge paper on) in front of me to paint. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hollywood Cemetery Adventures

When my Surface Research class took a trip to Hollywood Cemetery on Friday, I had a great time exploring the huge area. We were assigned to have at least five works of art completed by the end of the class period and we could use any materials we wanted. Since most of my time I was exploring the beauty of the cemetery, I didn't get an opportunity to use most of the copious art supplies that I stuffed in my backpack. I was, however, able to complete a little watercolor of a vase that had fallen down by a memorial as well as photograph my beautiful surroundings. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

2 Shadow Practice Portraits

My two shadow portraits were not easy to do as I had to hold a lamp in one hand, contort my face to these specific ways, while drawing from a mirror observation. My goal was to capture a contemplative and an angry mood in my two portraits. However, even though the task was a challenge, I really enjoyed the result of the work. Furthermore, even when I only painted shadow with acrylic paint, I am still able to make out both of my faces.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

72 Self-Portraits Project

My 72 self-portraits each form a letter that spells out a sentence about me in Italian. Each letter is uniquely formed. I found a new movement/position to form each letter. The sentence is: Graphic Design e della moda di design sono le mie passioni. Il mondo e la mia ispirazione. 
(Translation: Graphic Design and fashion design are my passions. The world is my inspiration.) 

The reason I wrote the sentence in Italian is because I have a dream of someday working as a designer in Italy. I am also currently studying the language and hope to one day be fluent. 

The composition/arrangement of the letters is abstract at sight. However, I got my idea for the design from a cursive letter "S." My composition is arranged in an area of a close-up of a cursive letter "S," my first initial.

(Click the image to make it larger!)