Friday, October 15, 2010

The Jacket (For Surface Research and Destroy Project)

The Jacket
The Process

1. Christopher Walken painted in acrylic on lining and sewn to jacket
Destruction: Burning
2. Walken Tree on Jacket Island (symbolization of new growth post-death)
- fur as grass
- matches from Walken burning were used to elevate the tree
Destruction: stomp on tree
3. Hands holding coffee (charcoal drawing)  w/ real coffee (growth from plant)
Destruction: paint used with coffee to wipe away drawing
4. Starbucks cup of coffee and jacket table cloth
Destruction: squeezed and thrown away in garbage bin (like I would to drinking cup), used table cloth also thrown out
5. Picked up the garbage that was once the Starbucks coffee cup
-created useable handbag out of “garbage” (symbolization of reuse)
Destruction: tear the seams apart
6. Made a deer (fawn) to symbolize what some leather bags are made of
Destruction: pulled it apart
7. Created a shirt to go with a skit from fawn and jacket remains
Destruction: jacket torn apart during fight

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