Friday, November 12, 2010

Grotesque/Under the table

For this Surface Research project, each student picked from two piles of random cards. One card contained an adjective and the other a location. Mine were grotesque and under the table. Using the words on our cards, we had to create a piece.

I cut a wooden panel to the size of the space between a table in an AFO classroom, painted it black (because when I think of grotesque, I think black), and drilled holes in it. This board created a peep-hole space under the table. Then, I creeped on Facebook and took all the images of my classmates' faces and distorted them on Photoshop (to make them grotesque). I printed the new images on photo paper. Then I attached the images to a large piece of cardboard that I also painted black. This final cardboard piece, combined with my wooden panel, created an enclosed space for my images. I attached Christmas lights inside the space to illuminate the images in their totally dark space. My final product was people approaching my piece to peer into the holes to see what they might find inside-- grotesque images of themselves.

Complete work viewed from outside

Uncovered piece

Uncovered piece

View inside of a hole

Another view inside of a hole

Whole piece uncovered

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